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Gas-Liquid Interfaces

The reaction of gases with liquids at their interfaces can be characterized by NAP-XPS.




AP-XPS investigations of a commercial lithium-based electrolyte
AP-XPS investigations of a commercial lithium-based electrolyte
In this note we present first AP-XPS results from a commercial liquid electrolyte for lithium ion battery production recorded at 10 mbar in the EnviroESCA. The solution is LiPF6 in EC/DMC as a common battery electrolyte. First we analyzed the LiPF6 solution in its vapor and liquid phase. In a second step we immersed V2O5, a typical cathode material, in this solution. Photoelectron spectra show significant chemical differences on the studied surfaces. This proof of principle study shows the enormous potential of the EnviroESCA for AP-XPS investigations of solid-liquid interfaces and the simplicity of the experimental setup.
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Near ambient pressure photoelectron spectroscopy of fruit and vegetables
Near ambient pressure photoelectron spectroscopy of fruit and vegetables
In this note we present first NAP-XPS results from a fresh tomato and apple using the EnviroESCA. Portions of tomato and apple were introduced into the system and the pressure was stabilized at 10 mbar. Different regions on the surface were studied and the photoelectron spectra show significant chemical differences between these regions. This study demonstrates the unique NAP XPS capabilities of the EnviroESCA and extends the field of applications to (processed) food samples and other natural or biological samples that could not be studied by XPS up to now.
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XPS surface analysis of an ionic liquid with EnviroESCA
XPS surface analysis of an ionic liquid with EnviroESCA
This application note presents how EnviroESCA can be used to analyze the surface of ionic liquids in contact with gases under application relevant conditions in the near ambient pressure region.
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XPS surface chemical analysis of aqueous solutions with EnviroESCA
XPS surface chemical analysis of aqueous solutions with EnviroESCA
In this study we present the capabilites of EnviroESCA to analyze the surface of various aqueous solutions under near ambient pressure conditions. Such investigations of aqueous solutions are of paramount importance due to the vast number of essential water based processes in nature and industry.
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