Exciting New Features in SpecsLab Prodigy

Now available: K-Space Transformation, Photon Energy Scanning and new Analysis Tools for ISQAR

Please find the new version of SpecsLab Prodigy Release 4.62.1. This month's update includes some exciting new major features. You can download the new version from the Prodigy product page.

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K-Space Transformation

Prodigy now features an integrated transformation into k-space data for all our deflector based analyzer. This is a preview to the upcoming functionality of acquiring and exporting k-space transformed data for our new analyzer generation. The functionality of viewing k-space transformed data is free and accessible for all customers.

Photon Energy Scan

Now it is possible to collect spectra against a series of different photon energies, e.g. for Resonant Photoemission Spectroscopy (RESPES) or X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS). Within Profiling, our native beamline implementation is now accessible for systematic measurements.

Prodigy ISQAR

When performing quantitative analysis with non monochromated sources, it is now possible to remove satellite peaks from the spectrum before the analysis result. The subtraction is done by an over imposed calculated correction spectrum based on the correct experimental parameters.

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