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Programming interface

Customize experiments and integrate the standalone PLL in existing measurement set-ups

Competitive advantage in research is often based on the modification of an instrument that allows the researcher to perform experiments in a way nobody else has done before. Just using an instrument that everybody else already has is not enough. This is where our programming interface steps in - to give you the building blocks to design your own experiment and to automate repetitive tasks and increase efficiency.

Old systems require TTL handshakes and difficult to debug trigger electronics to communicate with external equipment - now you can directly talk to the hardware, read back full data sets from other instruments and directly integrate the Nanonis OC4.5-S with an existing SPM controller or any measurement set-up.

While LabVIEW provides a simple and easy to debug programming workflow, the programming language of choice might be a different one. This is where the TCP-interface steps in: All functions of the LabVIEW programming interface are available as scripts which can be implemented in languages like Python, Matlab, C++, Igor Pro and others. The only requirement is the ability to send and read commands to and from a TCP port in the Nanonis software.

The LabVIEW API requires LabVIEW 8.2 or higher.


  • Two APIs in one: A LabVIEW interface and a generic script-language TCP-interface
  • Easily integrate the Nanonis PLL into an existing measurement set-up
  • Programmatically control all Nanonis modules
  • LabVIEW-Version highlights:
    • Many LabVIEW examples ready for use
    • Simple to learn - all functions available through the LabVIEW function palette
    • Fully integrated - directly develop in the LabVIEW programming environment






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