Release Notes for Nanonis Tramea V5e Software

2024-05-27 (5.1.13712)

  • Fixed a bug leading to a stuck user output value in certain situations after sweeping
  • Fixed a bug which prevented the attoDRY Magnet Control module from connecting successfully
  • Various bugfixes and minor changes

2023-01-05 (5.1.12488)

  • Fixed a bug leading to incorrect input offset correction
  • Various bugfixes and minor changes

2022-11-28 (5.1.12365)

  • All acquisition modules like 3D Sweeper, Script, ... now have access to the full signal list (instead of a pre-selected list of 24 signals). The Signals Assignment is no longer needed and has been removed.
    Be careful when using the programming interface to set the acquired channels in these modules, since the signal indices have a different meaning now (they are now indices of the full signals list, see Signals Manager for the indices).
    In the listboxes for the acquired signals one can switch between signal selection and selected signals.
  • Fixes in 3D Sweeper: Fixed timeout error for sweeps taking a long time; sweep can now be stopped during the ramping to the start point
  • 1D Sweeper: Improved performance of 'Value Reached' sweeps by speeding up the value reached detection
  • The Data Logger does not have a limitation of 25.000 points per file any longer. The total number of points per file can be configured by the user, as well as the folder where the files are saved
  • Added programming support for the High Speed Sweeper
  • Various bugfixes and minor changes

2022-04-08 (5.1.11588)

  • Support for Oxford Triton Magnet and Temperature controllers added
  • SC5 Fast AOs are available as user outputs; the Custom Views can be configured to display up to 12 outputs/inputs; the Custom Views can be combined and arranged in columns
  • Generic PI Controller: new FPGA-based 8-fold Generic PI Controller. It can control any user output or Lock-In modulation amplitude
  • Programming Interface / TCP Interface: added support for FPGA-based Generic PI Controller
  • Script: option to switch the Generic PI Controller on/off
  • Added support to some external instruments
  • Various fixes and minor features

2021-05-07 (5.1.10708)

  • Fix bug related to the configuration of some User Outputs (Output 24 and above)
  • Some fixes when loading-saving settings of User Outputs
  • New features in the Script module (additional LookUp Tables, and new command to move the tip)
  • Resizable Custom Views in the User Channels modules
  • Some minor changes

2021-01-18 (5.1.10368)

  • Motor Control ANC350 atto3DR fixed and updated to newest 64bit library v1.2.0
  • Various fixes and improvements.

2020-11-13 (5.1.10226)

  • Major update to the High-Speed Sweep module, now allowing to sweep 2 signals (2D sweeps), and repeat the sweep N times. Data can be exported into .dat or HDF.
  • Various fixes and improvements.

2020-09-24 (5.1.10002)

  • Fix bug when calculating the SC5 calibrated offsets for the analog inputs (hrDAC tuning)
  • TCP Programming Interface changed to allow multiple connections, each of them executing the commands serially. To execute commands in parallel, use multiple connections.
  • Performance improvements for some TCP Programming Interface functions
  • Various other fixes and improvements

2020-03-30 (5.1.9432)

  • New Fast Spectroscopy module for measurements up to 1 MS/s
  • Lock-in: can now demodulate all FPGA signals. Possible application: tandem demodulation (demodulate the output of another demodulator)
  • Lock-in demodulators can be used as generic low-pass filters by setting harmonic to 0
  • Support for Nanonis and Femto preamplifiers
  • Support for DIO Ports C & D added
  • 3D Sweeper: fixed bug with flipped axis for data display
  • 3D Sweeper monitors: support for color palettes

2019-10-21 (5.1.8819, first release of Tramea V5e software)

Changes in V5e compared to V5:

  • 64-bit software, allowing allocation of larger memory blocks and thus e.g. higher resolution measurements
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