Online MeetingThe National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-ll) and Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN) Users' Meeting
This year's meeting will be held remotely, and will offer scientists from diverse disciplines an opportunity to share their work and discuss new results and advances in experimental capabilities in synchrotron radiation and nanoscale science research.
Please join us virtually from anywhere for this opportunity of scientific exchange and discussions. There is no cost to register, but you must register to access the workshops.
May 11: Last day to apply for the Julian Baumert PhD Thesis Award
May 17: Last day to register for the meeting
Sponsorship Opportunities are available!
The Users' Executive Committees cordially invite all to register for the meeting's Plenary Session on Tuesday, May 19.
The Users’ Meeting will be delivered fully online via Blue Jeans and Zoom.
Links to attend the various virtual workshops will be made available to attendees after they submit their registration.