Ascona, SwitzerlandQuantum Science Emerging from Atoms and Molecules at Surfaces
"Quantum Science Emerging from Atoms and Molecules at Surfaces" builds upon breakthroughs in the art of making atomic and molecular architectures. Electronic and nuclear quantum states can now be manipulated at the single atom level in a controlled surface environment by using either local probes or external electric and magnetic fields. These advances raise expectations for using quantum and spin states in atoms and molecules at surfaces for sensing, information storage, and information processing (logic) devices.
Key Topics and Focus of the Conference
1.Quantum coherent systems at surfaces and interfaces
2.Novel systems, comprising embedded spins in nonmetallic or topological environments
3.Controlling and addressing electronic and spin states in quantum systems architectures
4.Modular architectures for molecular quantum-bits and supramolecular integration
Atoms and molecules adsorbed on single-crystal surfaces can host protected quantum systems which can be operated to mimic spintronic components with significant advantages in terms of miniaturization, energy consumption and speed, essential for information and communication technology. There are, however, large gaps in our knowledge that are related to the assembly and operation of larger architectures and towards their upscaling and integration with, e.g., conventional digital electronics. Novel mechanisms to tune the behavior and interactions of surface quantum systems have emerged, based, e.g., on substrates which effectively decouple the electronic and phononic degrees of freedom of the molecules from the environment. Moreover, surface templated self-assembly has emerged as an essential strategy to create pre-defined and addressable structures without using resolution-limited electron beam lithography. Controlling the spin-dependent electronic structure of molecular-scale architectures is essential for their integration into solid-state devices.
Photon, photoelectron and local probe microscopies and spectroscopies play a crucial role in the investigation and operation of the characteristic quantum states. At the molQueST conference we shall also shape further interdisciplinary efforts in order to (1) overcome remaining limitations in the engineering of quantum states on solid surfaces, (2) find novel coherent surface systems, and (3) develop strategies for the upscaling of quantum operations from a single device to integrated systems.
Outline of the Conference Schedule
The outline of the conference schedule can be found here.
International Importance
There is emerging international interest in quantum architectures, in particular concerning coupled spin systems at surfaces and interfaces. These developments set the right time-frame for a workshop. It shall accelerate the progress and enhance collaborations between scientists using tool-sets from different scientific fields, namely atomic and condensed matter physics, materials science, chemistry, and quantum engineering. The success of the earlier SpinMol and QMol conferences lie the foundation for inspiring, enchanting and fruitful forward looking discussions on this dynamic field of science and its emergence into technological applications.
Importance for Scientific Co-Operation in Particular of Young Researchers
Participating researchers, in particular the young and newly interested in the field shall experience a privileged exposure to this rapidly developing field of knowledge and get early access to the most recent results. This will stimulate them to take a decisive role in shaping future research and form consortia for scientific activities on this emerging topic of technological relevance.