Another pearl in the pacific

One of the leading laboratories for dynamic measurements of electronic structure recently received the second METIS momentum microscope for advanced time-resolved studies.

The research group led by Keshav Dani and Michael Man at the Okinawa Institute of Technology (OIST) has recently expanded its scientific instrumentation. In response to increasing demands for precise electronic structure analysis, the group has added a second momentum microscope to its existing experimental setup.

The decision for this addition is based on the successful integration of an imaging spin detector into their primary instrument. This achievement not only demonstrated their technical proficiency, but also highlighted the need for additional momentum microscopy capabilities. However, experiments using imaging spin detectors are notoriously time consuming. The new instrument will add capabilities for time-resolved measurements to maintain scientific output and efficiency.

The efficiency of momentum microscopy for dynamic measurements can be seen in recent publications by the Dani group. For example, a recent paper visualizes electronic transitions and the corresponding excitons (dark excitons) in semiconductor thin films, which have been described theoretically but not yet observed. Here you can find the published paper:

Another example is the experimental observation of an intrinsic excitonic wave function. Although it has been described theoretically and is part of the modern theory of many-body physics, only the power of momentum microscopes has recently revealed the wave function combined with the real spatial distribution around the electron-hole pair. Read the paper on this topic here:

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