Munich, Germany

International NAnoscience Student CONference

INASCON (International NAnoscience Student CONference) is anannual conferenceorganized by students for students and will take place in Munich, Germany. This years' motto “NanoInput – MacroImpact: Energy Materials for a Sustainable Future” of INASCON2022 combines chemical, physical,biological andtechnological research on nanoscale materials to create innovative ideas and solutions for a greenerfuture.INASCON unites young nano-scientists in their Master studies and PhDs from around the world,allowing them toexchange ideas and form connections in interdisciplinary nanoscience topics at an early stage oftheir career.The schedule of the four-days conference includes talks of prominent researchers as well as studentsin thecategories Intelligent Storage Materials, Photo- & Electrocatalysis, Photovoltaics & OptoelectronicsandNano-Biophysics, as well as poster sessions, social events, an opportunity fair and interactiveworkshops.

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